What's that stiffness in my neck?
Feel that lump come in my throat
Stomach dropping to my knees
Feel like I just missed the boat
Panic rising to my head
Heartbeat racing, breathing fast
Can I do it? Will I fail?
How long will these feelings last?
Apprehension overwhelms
Nervous twitching, fingers curled
Tension headache, aching back
All these symptoms now unfurled
Now my body's overrun
Hormones racing from my glands
Must release it, let it out
How to do it's in my hands
Lost our way of fight or flight
Stored up anger, unreleased
Words and shouting flung about
Now it's time that raging ceased
Relaxation, that's the key
Integration of the mind
Exercise, good food to eat
Leave those worries far behind
Hold that stress out at arm's length
Draw it, write it, let it go
Roll it in a little ball
Throw it out, release that woe
Find the tools you have inside
Make a choice to be serene
Welcome stress, become its friend
Don't put life in quarantine.